Keith Ferrazzi Podcast - James Altucher - Social Capitalist Live

Enterprise Agility
10 Minute Read
September 27, 2021

James Altucher is the managing director of Formula Capital, an asset management firm and fund of hedge funds. Mr. Altucher is the founder of, a social network for finance that had millions of unique visitors per month when it was sold to in 2007.

The podcast with James Altucher discussed:
• Personal branding in the social media era
• Being your authentic self despite the status quo to conform
• Strategies for managing success and failure in your career

myGreenlight staff members host live conversations for our listeners with the world's top relationship masters to discuss insights, tactics, and tools to help you build the social capital required for success.

If you want to transform your life, you need the help of others -- powerful relationships with people who give you support and access, and push you to exceed your potential.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

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